About Me

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Hello Everyone, My name is Pauline White and I am currently completing the Bachelor of Learning Management through Central Queensland University, Noosa Campus. Managing E-Learning is a course conducted within the program as it explores the technological competencies required within a 21st century connected society. Throughout this blog, I will expand and enhance my existing repertoire of technological competencies as I will analyse a variety of elearning tools and methodologies. This reflection and analysis will highlight the cultural and critical dimensions of technological literacies required in our ever changing teaching context. Blogging is a totally new experience for me and I am excited to begin this discovery journey with you.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Hello Everyone,

I tried to use MyPodcast to create my own podcast. Unfortunately the site is not registering any more applicants. I used a Google search to discover another free pod casting site called PodOmatic. You can view my Podcast at the end of this blog posting.

I have to admit I knew very little about podcasts prior to commencing this course. I know my previous university use to podcast lectures so that students could access and review the content online. In our on-campus lecture podcasts were described as Personal on Demand Casts. According to Chan, Lee & McLoughlin (2006.) podcasts allow the target audience to listen to the content at a convenient time and place as they can be downloaded to one’s computer as they become available. These files can be transferred to devices such iPods and MP3 player.

The CQU moodle site for week four has identified some uses of podcasts in the classroom. I have discussed some of the uses with my colleague, Emily and this discussion can be viewed here. The Langwitches blog, The Magic of Learning raises some great points about using podcasts in the classroom and gives some great examples. This blog site can be accessed here. After reviewing various readings and creating my own podcast, I have identified various positives and negatives for using podcasts in the classroom. I have identified these through a PMI analysis.

-Students can access content at a convenient place at anytime of the day.
-Allow learners to develop listening skills as they do not rely of visual senses.
-High level of social cachet for younger students in particular
-Develop a wide range of skills such as; collaboration skills, writing skills, speaking skills, presentation skills, communication skills, oral fluency, auditory skills, digital storytelling skills, media literacy, information literacy and technology skills.
-Integrate multiple skills in the learning process.
-Engage and motivate students.
-Introduce students to a new medium in the classroom.
- Parents can access the content and understand what their children are learning about.
-Model appropriate oral communication skills.
-Create collaborative tasks such as class story telling
-Allow student to recognize positives and benefits in peers’ work and thus learn from each other.
-Model appropriate use of voice such as intonation, volume and expression.

-Heavy reliance on technology and equipment availability
- Time consuming task, particularly for younger years.
-Does not cater for the visual and kinesthetic learners.
-Students may not like how their voice sounds recorded.

-Podcasts are audio files only, whilst vodcasts are video podcast and can be easily produced and accessed.
-Specific constraints and clear guidelines must be used to ensure students stay on task.

These are my thoughts on the podcasting tool and I look forward to hearing what you think.


  1. Hi Pauline,
    Thanks for the information on Podcasting. I have been able to quickly and easily locate the PodOmatic site and create my very first Podcast in just a few minutes. I had previously had a great deal of trouble understanding podcasting (and had temporarily given it all up) but the PodOmatic site has kept things very user friendly. I also really like the PMI that you have conducted - can I add that a learner with visual difficulties may prefer audio as a means of learning - podcasts offer the differentiation tool required to cater for such a learner. Cheers, Kim

  2. Hi Kim,

    Thanks, I never considered podcasting as means of catering for visual difficulties and impairments. This suggestion adds so much more value to the podcasting tool, as I now realise it can help me accommodate and cater for the specific needs of my learners.

